Forged Japanese sword TANTO with real hamon Notare. Sharp (cut) samurai sword tanto finds its use as a decoration, but also for active martial arts training. The steel is partially hardened and has a hardness grade of 59 HRC. Attractive and sharp blade, saya and tsuka made of magnolia wood, all this makes this tanto very interesting and desirable. Tanto is stored in a canvas bag. The blade of the tanta is decorated with a real hamon Notare. Company Dellinger disclaims all liability for injury and damage resulting from use. Keep tanto out of reach of children ! Any tampering with the samurai sword is your own responsibility. Remember, you have a deadly weapon in your hands!
Tanto 短刀 is a Japanese knife that was carried by a samurai together with wakizashi a katana in what's known as adaishō set. The length of the blade should not exceed 30.3 cm. The tanto knifewas designed for penetrating armor and protection of all kinds. The tanto blade is similar to the style of Japanese long (katana) and short (wakizashi) swords. The tanto knife has a high blade with a flat grind, resulting in extremely strong penetration, making it ideal for stabbing into hard materials. This "dagger" could be carried by the common people for their defence. Only a samurai was allowed to carry a katana or wakizashi. If a samurai had to commit ritual seppuku suicide, he used a wakizashi short sword, while a woman used a tanto dagger in most cases.
Shirasaya is the name given to a special set for a samurai sword, which was formerly used to hold the blade gently. Especially in peacetime, the blades were optimally protected. Many of the shirasaya sets bore a "sayagaki", an inscription giving information about the smith, origin and assignment. The inconspicuous handleless sleeve and hilt were used on the streets of Japan, especially in the late 19th century. At that time, the Emperor forbade the wearing of samurai swords. The shirasaya set, which was very similar in appearance to a wooden sword or a wooden pole, thus cleverly enabled the sword to be worn unnoticed.